How to Enrol with the BCC Institute
BCC Institute is a Registered Training Organisation delivering nationally recognised courses and accredited Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) VET qualifications.
BCC Institute is registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions & Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Before you apply, students studying in Australia will require a USI.
The Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a national student number that allows individuals to see their training records and results from all providers, including all completed training units and qualifications in a single space.
Each account is linked to the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Data Collection. This means you will be able to locate, collate and authenticate your VET achievements into one transcript. You can read more about a USI here.
Language literacy and numeracy (LLN)
You can read more about an LLN assessment here.

Creative Training and teaching.
If you are unable to gather all the necessary documentary evidence, please attach documents to an email and send to
Please Note: You will be contacted within 7 days with the outcome of your application and to confirm your details.
Necessary documentary evidence
- Valid Foreign passport copy (if applicable)
- Valid visa (if applicable)
- High School Certificate or other relevant certificates
- Proof of English Language Proficiency, IELTS 6.0 or equivalent (if applicable)
- Any other relevant documents to support your application.
Application Outcome
- You will be contacted within 7 days with the outcome of your application and to confirm your details.
- On approval of, you will be sent:
- A Letter of Offer and a Written Agreement setting out the terms and conditions of your enrolment and details of your course.
- An invoice with the fees payable and timing for payments.
- Sign and return the Written Agreement so that your enrolment is confirmed.
- Overseas students will be issued with an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) following receipt of the signed written agreement, as well as evidence of Overseas Student Health Cover (OHSC) and payment of fees.
Enrol via Phone
Enrolment is available over the phone by calling 02 9793 8155 for short courses only.
Office Hours
Our office hours are currently from 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday.
*Documents must be a certified copy i.e. a copy of the original document signed and dated by the organisation that issued the original document, a government official, Public Notary or Justice of Peace or an agent of BCC Institute, confirming that they have sighted the original.
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