Community Services Courses

We pride ourselves on our quality courses and an experienced team of trainers who help you prepare for the jobs of the future.

CHC32015 – Certificate III in Community Services Domestic

CHC32015 – Certificate III in Community Services

Course Information

Qualification Code: CHC32015

This qualification is a pathway to a rewarding and worthwhile career in community services. It will equip learners to contribute to social change in community settings and community-based programs. Under the direction of others, students will be able to help individuals and community groups from all backgrounds and with diverse needs.

Learning outcomes include being able to:

  • communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds
  • respond appropriately to clients needing assistance
  • refer clients to specialist services and support when needed
  • follow safe work practices
  • organise personal work priorities

Course Duration

Domestic – 52 weeks (40 weeks of classes + 12 weeks of holidays).


Domestic – 2 days per week.

Entry Requirements


  • Be 16 years of age or over
  • Completed Year 10 (or equivalent)
  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) course pre-assessment test
  • Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Students must also have access to:

  • A PC or equivalent running or capable of running Microsoft Windows 2010 and Microsoft Office 2010 and above
  • Internet connection

Training Options

Since July 20, 2020, BCC Institute has been using a mixed delivery mode, delivering sessions face to face and online via the Zoom platform.

Face to face training

Face to face classes at BCC Institute are kept small with a maximum of 15 students per class, allowing more quality time with their trainer. Each trainer has extensive experience in their industry, providing first-hand knowledge and learning techniques for their students.

Online learning

Some training and assessment is delivered online. Students will also be required to complete some self-directed learning tasks.

Course Structure

12 units (5 core + 7 electives)

Units of Competency

CHCCCS016 Respond to client needs
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
HLTWHS006 Manage personal stressors in the work environment
CHCCCS031 Provide individualised support*
CHCCDE020 Implement participation and engagement strategies*
CHCCCS038 Facilitate the empowerment of people receiving support*
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety*
CHCPRT025 Identify and report children and young people at risk*
CHCYTH013 Engage respectfully with young people*
BSBPEF301 Organise personal work priorities*

*Unit is an elective. All other units are core units of competency.

Employment Opportunities

  • Community services support worker
  • Community support worker

Further Study Pathways 

On completion of CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services, students may be interested in completing the CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability or CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services at BCC Institute. Other options are the CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services or CHC43215 Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs.

Community Services

Fees and Charges

CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services

As a domestic student, you may be eligible for fee-free training under the NSW Government Smart and Skilled Program.
Contact the college to find out more.

Domestic Fees

  • Tuition Fee: $7,500
  • Materials Fee: $300
  • Total Course Fees: $7,800
Enquire about this Course

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CHC32015 – Certificate III in Community Services
January – December 2024
Start Date End Date
Monday,5 February 2024 Sunday,14 April 2024
Monday,29 April 2024 Sunday,07 July 2024
Monday,22 July 2024 Sunday,29 September 2024
Monday,14 October 2024 Sunday,22 December 2024

Enquire Online

Enquire Online Now to get more information about our courses. Please click the button below. Alternatively, you can contact the college on 02 9793 8155.

What is a USI?

The Unique Student Identifier or USI is a reference number that creates a secure online record of your recognised training and qualifications gained in Australia, even from different training organisations. You can read more about a USI here.

Recognition of Prior Learning

We understand that you may already have many skills and areas of expertise that you have obtained in different ways and these are recognised through our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process.

BCC Institute has a process that has been structured to minimise the time and cost to applicants and provides a supportive approach to students wishing to take up this option.

If you choose to apply for RPL to prove entry requirements, you will be provided with a kit that will assist you in deciding whether you want to apply for RPL and that helps you to collect all of the evidence you will need to provide in order for us to assess your application. A trainer/assessor will also be available to assist you. Alternatively, you can contact our office on 02 9793 8155 to discuss your RPL options.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about studying at BCC Institute, you'll find answers in our student support FAQ.

Topics included in our FAQ; courses on offer, location, domestic student course fees, international student (offshore) course fees, international student (already onshore) course fees and how to apply for enrolment.

Get answers to our most commonly asked questions. Alternatively, you can contact our office on 02 9793 8155 to discuss any further questions you may have.

Fees and Charges

A Fee Payment Plan is available to domestic students who have enrolled in a full VET qualification at BCC Institute. The same course tuition fees are applicable for online and part time delivery. The fee is payable in monthly instalments over the duration of your course. These vary depending on the length of your course. Once enrolled, a Course Fee Payment Plan will be issued to you detailing your payment due dates. Please note fees are subject to change without notice.

Student Handbook

This student handbook is your guide to BCC Institute. Inside you will find information on how the college works, where students should go, and who they should see to resolve problems.

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